Our New Clinic Address: 8735 Dunwoody Place Sandy Springs,GA 30350

What is Suspected Childhood Apraxia?

What is Childhood Apraxia?

Doctors and schools often call SAGE to inquire about speech therapy related to Suspected Childhood Apraxia. Apraxia is a scary word, but what does it really mean? The definition of Childhood Apraxia, as defined by the mayoclinic.org is as follows:

Childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) is an uncommon speech disorder in which a child has difficulty making accurate movements when speaking.

In CAS, the brain struggles to develop plans for speech movement. With this disorder, the speech muscles aren't weak, but they don't perform normally because the brain has difficulty directing or coordinating the movements. To read more on this, click HERE.

What to Consider When Choosing a Speech Therapist to Treat Apraxia:

  • most successful therapy is done in short sessions (30 min) multiple times per week
  • clients with best outcomes are those who carry over their practice at home daily for 5-10 mins and those whose parents come in for training sessions
  • it’s important to work with an SLP who is trained in therapy techniques for apraxia as the intervention is different from typical Speech therapy. 
  • beware of therapists who use only one “program” as a one size fits all

How Can SAGE Make an Impact on a Child's Childhood Apraxia?

  • commit to weekly or 2x week sessions and miss as few as possible
  • ask your therapist for homework so child can practice a little each day
  • sit in on sessions when possible so you can practice at home correctly 
  • praise your child for hard work and encourage them with positive comments
  • work with a therapist who has experience in many techniques, not just one who happens to be at your school or close to home!

A recent article released by ASHAwire (a publication by the American Speech and Hearing Association, aka ASHA) studied "Reading Outcomes for Children with Histories of Suspected Childhood Apraxia of Speech". To read the outcome, CLICK HERE.

Call or email Saren (directly) today for a phone consultation and to understand options.

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SAGE Speech & Learning Associates

Address: 8735 Dunwoody Place
Sandy Springs,GA 30350

Phone: 404-245-7981
Fax: 404.689.6184
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Sage Speech & Learning Associates offer professional speech therapy, language therapy and feeding therapy in Atlanta, Brookhaven, Sandy Springs, Dunwoody, Buckhead and surrounding areas.

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