Our New Clinic Address: 8735 Dunwoody Place Sandy Springs,GA 30350

The Toughest Days Are Also the Best Days!

Today was a tough day, but a good day.  Today I felt sad for my client, a sweet and hardworking middle schooler who has been singled out as a “problem child” at school.  A significantly language impaired child, who is struggling to understand classroom directions, but getting in trouble for “not listening.”  Today, I also felt hopeful and thankful.  I felt hopeful about the conversations I had with other professionals who are testing this child.  I felt thankful that our diagnoses lined up, and thankful we both saw him for his strengths and potential.  I felt thankful that finally, two professionals, were on the same page about a child who desperately tries to please his teachers and friends.  A child who works twice as hard, and yet, understands much less than expected. 


Today was one of the all-to-familiar tough days, but also, a good day. Along with respected colleagues, I could offer this child, the parents, and teachers a new perspective. Together we provided classroom recommendations; specific changes that can help this child and his teachers understand each other better.  We offered a treatment plan, and next steps, that will help this middle schooler gain his confidence back.  Now he can use new learning strategies, work with tutors and speech therapists, who understand his needs.  Six months from now, I hope to see a child who has regained his excitement for learning, who knows how to self-advocate and how to ask for help when needed. Six months from today, I know I will have another tough, but good, day. 


While classroom modifications and strategies differ for every child, here are some of our top favorites from teachers, speech therapists and tutors:

1.    Implement a Wait Time:

A 5-10 second pause after a teacher has given a verbal instruction for the student to process what was said.  Many teachers will ask the student to repeat back the instruction, before going on to give the second step.  

 2. Check In's:

The teacher will provide verbal instruction, then check in with the student to be sure instructions were heard and understood, before the student begins a task.

3. Multi-Sensory Instruction:

Learning new concepts using visual, verbal, tactile, and other means. Project based learning often falls into this category, however learning should encompass a variety of modes to ensure each student is taught in a way that best suits their needs.

 4. Providing Both Verbal AND Written Steps or Instructions: 

Teach students to check back in after completing each step.  This allows teachers to better serve the classroom as well as provides students with the change to become self-advocating learners.

5. Minimizing Auditory Distractions:

Many students have difficulty processing information when competing sounds and noises are present. Background noise can be caused by a multitude of issues, including AC units, open doors, coughing, whispering between students, foot shuffling, music.  Minimizing background noise and moving the student closer to the speaker can increase the information the child hears and is able to process.  In addition, talking slowly and clearing and using speech that is not distorted or muffled can also be helpful.

 6. Learning HOW to Learn: 

Study skills, text highlighting, and other organizational skills should be taught explicitly. Do not assume a child is able to do this on their own. Model these skills, practice together, check in again when the child is using them independently.


Please call SAGE Speech today to find out how to implement these strategies in your classroom.

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SAGE Speech & Learning Associates

Address: 8735 Dunwoody Place
Sandy Springs,GA 30350

Phone: 404-245-7981
Fax: 404.689.6184
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