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Speech Therapy in Brookhaven
Are you looking for a trusted speech therapy in Brookhaven Area? Sage Speech Therapy offers experienced kids speech therapy and pathologist service in Brookhaven, GA.

Professional Speech Therapy Services in Brookhaven

Do you have a young infant or toddler who is having trouble saying their first words? Has every meal become a family struggle because of your child’s difficulty with eating? Is your elementary age son or daughter having problems communicating with their peers? Parents often find it challenging to help their children overcome obstacles to their speech and oral development. Speech therapy in Brookhaven, Georgia can provide an accurate diagnosis for the cause of your child’s speech delays. At SAGE Speech Therapy and Associates, we enjoy helping local Atlanta, Georgia area families find new ways to improve and enhance their children’s speech, oral motor function, eating habits, reading and social language skills. An experienced speech therapist in Brookhaven can help your child reach their developmental goals through a variety of specialized programs. Have you been searching for a qualified speech pathologist in Brookhaven, Georgia, or the surrounding metro Atlanta area? Then call SAGE Speech Therapy and Associates today to find out more. 

Can a Speech Pathologist in Brookhaven Provide Solutions?

What kind of benefits can you receive from investing in a professional speech pathologist in Brookhaven? An experienced speech therapist has been trained and educated in the complexities of oral motor function, child psychological development and professional techniques for overcoming common problems surrounding speech, language and communication. Our therapists will perform a comprehensive assessment and create a customized plan that works best for your unique needs. We also offer a wide range of programs for different age groups, including speech boot camps, toddler developmental playgroups and reading sessions so your child can get the help in a fun and exciting way. 

Which Services Can a Speech Therapist in Brookhaven Provide? 

SAGE Speech Therapy has teamed up with many local pediatricians, tutors, reading specialists, psychologists and other professionals so that you can have a comprehensive solution that’s specific to your child’s individual needs. Our experts also offer a multitude of exciting and proven developmental programs that are designed for use in speech, feeding and stuttering therapy, including:

  • Lidcombe Program for Stuttering Therapy
  • Speech and Language Development for Birth to 5 and Kindergarten 
  • Educational Consulting 
  • Psycho-Ed Evaluations
  • Occupational Therapy for Sensory Processing and Fine Motor Development
  • Fast ForWard Language, Literacy and Reading Series
  • Beckman Oral Motor Protocol
  • Purple Hippo Art Studio and SAGE Speech and Learning Developmental Playgroups
  • Feeding Therapy 
  • Speech Language Hearing Tutoring Programs

Brookhaven Speech Therapist

Are You Looking Quality Speech Therapy Brookhaven Residents? Give Us a Call Today

Have you been searching for a professional speech therapist in Brookhaven, Georgia? Then you’ve found the perfect solution. Call SAGE Speech Therapy and Associates today. Whether your son or daughter is struggling with eating new foods, speaking and language development or reading, we’ll work hard to resolve any developmental gaps or delays. Our friendly, knowledgeable staff is available now to answer all your questions. We can also help schedule a convenient time for you to meet with our experienced therapists so you and your child can begin their journey towards speech and communication success.

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SAGE Speech & Learning Associates

Address: 8735 Dunwoody Place
Sandy Springs,GA 30350

Phone: 404-245-7981
Fax: 404.689.6184
© 2025 All Rights Reserved.

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Contact SAGE Speech & Learning Associates

Sage Speech & Learning Associates offer professional speech therapy, language therapy and feeding therapy in Atlanta, Brookhaven, Sandy Springs, Dunwoody, Buckhead and surrounding areas.

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