Our New Clinic Address: 8735 Dunwoody Place
Sandy Springs,GA 30350
5 - 6 Years
Hearing & Understanding
Understands complex spatial and quantitative concepts (3 cats 6 leaves)
Listen to and understand age appropriate stories read aloud
Follow a simple conversation
Points to letters
Know how a book works (e.g., read from left to right and top to bottom in English)
Understand that spoken words are made up of sounds
Identify words that rhyme (e.g., cat and hat)
Compare and match words based on their sounds
Understand that letters represent speech sounds and match sounds to letters
Identify upper- and lowercase letters
Recognize some words by sight
“Read” a few picture books from memory
Imitate reading by talking about pictures in a book
Print own first and last name
Draw a picture that tells a story and label and write about the picture
Write upper- and lowercase letters (may not be clearly written)
Use all sounds correctly, including R, L, S, Ng, V, Sh, Chwith the exception of TH
Tell how an object is used
Answer hypothetical and open-ended questions
Name letters and sounds
Understand what a “word” is
Retell a story or talk about an event
Participate in conversation, start conversations
Engaging Your Child from 5-6 Years Old
Continue reading to me, but make sure you ask me to identify letters, sounds, simple words, and rhymes. Ask me what sounds a word beings and ends with.
Pick two objects and ask me what is similar about them, and what is different. Have me tell you how two objects are alike.
When I come to the grocery store with you, lets talk about categories (fruit, veggies, etc) and have me name items that begin with each letter of the Alphabet.
I should be able to tell full stories that make sense and follow an order
Lets work on puzzles…I need challenges to learn new skills
Lets make up stories about animals that begin with a particular sound, and use that sound throughout the story (“Annie alligator likes to eat apples and artichokes”)
Lets create our own books from magazine pictures, then help me to write the story underneath
Remember, I might be a “big kid” but I still need to have fun to learn…make all learning experiences fun, silly and rewarding!
Sage Speech & Learning Associates offer professional speech therapy, language therapy and feeding therapy in Atlanta, Brookhaven, Sandy Springs, Dunwoody, Buckhead and surrounding areas.